Excessive memory usage or stuck software due to increased file descriptor ulimit#
Software uses excessive amounts of memory or is stuck in a busy loop.
The default number of file descriptors a process is allowed to open is much higher on Alma Linux 9 (1,073,741,816) than on CentOS 7 (1024).
Some software packages perform an exhaustive search of file descriptors or allocate data structures for each possible file descriptor.
The much higher number of file descriptors under Alma Linux 9 then leads to excessive memory usage that can quickly result in swapping or out-of-memory errors or just a busy loop.
Affected Software#
If the software itself can’t be fixed, setting ulimit -n
to a lower value than the default can fix the issue, e.g.:
$ ulimit -n 1024:2048
Docker has a command line option for this:
$ docker run --ulimit nofile=1024:2048 ...
These values can also be set using in a docker compose file:
image: ...
soft: 1024
hard: 2048
The value of 1024:2048 is just an example, ACADA chose 2^20 = 1048576