Change Log#

template v0.9.0 (2024-11-13)#

New Features#

  • Use the newly released ctao-sphinx-theme for the documentation.

    To use it, apply the following changes in docs/

    -html_theme = "pydata_sphinx_theme"
    +html_theme = "ctao"
     html_theme_options = dict(
    -    logo=dict(
    -        image_light="_static/cta.png",
    -        image_dark="_static/cta_dark.png",
    -        alt_text="ctao-logo",
    -    ),

    and replace pydata-sphinx-theme with ctao-sphinx-theme in the doc optional dependencies.


template v0.8.0 (2024-07-10)#

New Features#

  • Add towncrier configuration for automatic changelog generation.

    The following files have been changed:

    • pyproject.toml: Check the new [tool.towncrier] section and new dependency sphinx-changelog in the doc optional-dependencies.

    • docs/changes/ explaining the procedure.

    • docs/, new extension sphinx_changelog

    • docs/changelog.rst, also now linked in docs/index.rst [!27]

template v0.7.0 (2024-05-14)#

  • Switch to ruff / ruff format instead of pyflakes / pycodestyle / black

  • Make sure pre-commit hooks do not modify fits files

  • Do not turn numpy binary size changed warning into an error in pytest

  • Drop support for python 3.9

  • Add code-spell, repo-check and standard pre-commit hooks